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首页>资讯> 资讯> 康琦头条> ICIS聚乙烯 亚太地区-价格与洞察-2023年11月10日
ICIS聚乙烯 亚太地区-价格与洞察-2023年11月10日
2023-11-13 09:18:00来源: ICIS编辑:康琦专塑点击:604



  • China PE import prices stable to soft after some offer reductions

  • SE Asia PE prices stable to soft; limited sales in most major markets

  • Vietnam discussions still active, price competition intensifies 

China’s PE import discussions were stable to soft amid limited spot deals largely concluded from around the middle to the low side of assessment ranges as some overseas sellers reduced offers to boost sales.

Southeast Asia’s PE import discussions were largely stable to soft with activity in most southeast Asian markets subdued and limited trade flows also seen with many suppliers having completed the bulk of their sales for November shipments.

The exception was in Vietnam where some major traders and suppliers attended the ICIS 8th Asian Polyolefins Conference in Ho Chi Minh City earlier this week with discussions then conducted at the sidelines.

Price competition among sellers was intense with supply from India, South Korea and North America adding to Middle East cargoes already being offered in Vietnam over the last few weeks.

Some buyers said they were already well stocked with sufficient cargoes to last them until early 2024 and hence were reluctant to buy more to avoid having more inventories sitting in their warehouses through the quiet year-end holiday season.



  • Some downstream plants may reduce run rates further due to holidays

  • Weak demand outlook remains for early 2024, SE Asia PE supply likely to increase before end-2023

  • ICIS analysts forecast PE prices likely softer for rest of 2023 with slight gains then seen in Jan 2024

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